Seth Godin says, " Getting your ducks in a row is a fine thing to do, but deciding what you are going to do with that duck is the more important issue."
After "sitting on a rock" and deep contemplation, I am not sure "with which duck" I will start. I have many ideas and often they may be reasonably original and even innovative during conversations, but what is that for a blog? I have read many blogs, some interesting and some irrelevant for me and also wondered why the bloggers chose their particular line. If you read blogs "randomly" of course you can be disappointed by most because the themes and topics do not resonate. My theme may be transformational ideas of many kinds and applications. We'll see. We are all peculiar in some way, myself included of course, but I was wondering what is really worth sharing. And what provides some tangible value to the reader. You can see what I am interested in by simply diving into the details of my website,, but that might only be relevant if something on the site or in the blog will resonate with you. As I have been involved in part-time post-graduate teaching for 25 years I have often wondered, if what we do at the university level, is really of value to the students and thus applicable in the real world of TODAY. So I changed my whole approach to teaching at that level to stir up a desire for LEARNING; mainly encouraging the student's desire for self-study, systems- and critical thinking, as well as collaboration in teams (groups). The whole process of LEARNING, lacking a specific pre-determined OUTCOME, create INSIGHT from available knowledge (which can be found anywhere), convey a strong sense of FUN in the work we do, be as CREATIVE as in ART and make the student a TRANSFORMATIVE LEADER by being confident, bold and action driven in his or her field. That is a mouthful and very ambitious, I know. But it can be done - I tried it, practiced it in all my teaching assignments and Business Workshop Facilitations in different cultures and countries over the past decade. It works. But I am also learning constantly myself. It is not perfect (it will never be). However, the one major outcome is that many students became empowered by new creative insights and they saw the opportunity to step out with intentionality. They developed the beginnings of transformational leadership. Some in their current positions and others in new ventures. That will be the thread of this blog for a while. Or at least this represents MY DUCK! To share what I tried, how I did it, what results the attendees achieved and to possibly start a discussion forum .... and we will see from there. Thank you for reading my Blog
Dietmar Winzker?