Blog 1 was about WAKING UP
"Get your ducks in a row and decide what to do with your duck" Remember?. What type of business do you want to be in and once you decided, what are you going to do with it. Why is it important for you? Why does it drive / motivate you? What do you want to achieve? Who are your typical customers? Those who believe what you believe or need what you provide. Blog 2 was about GETTING UP Make your plans. If your business idea is mainly for online, maybe selling your expertise as a pdf, as a video, as a an eBook or whatever, the internet would be a logical answer for many many reasons. Especially during a Pandemic. There were a couple of key aspects mentioned in Blog 2 you should consider when you want to bring your business / your idea across to others. Blog 3 was about GETTING READY Create a greater awareness of your environment at the present and in the future. Be aware of new opportunities and trends in terms of online businesses and technology. Awareness about what you already know and are skilled with, what you need to unlearn and importantly, where you must engage and apply your mind-set for innovative self-study and learning. Innovation is the main ingredient for any business today: New ideas, new processes, re-visiting your most cherished assumptions and look at them from a different perspective. Be ready to change, be ready to learn. Make a decision with your mind and your soul. Take a risk but don't be reckless. Bet on something: your hunches, your dream, your diligence and confidence. Get ready for sailing action as good as you can while sitting in the Dry Dock. You know the theory, you have practical experience, you want to follow your "moonshot" and you know the level of your risk. Now apply it with smartness, integrity and humility, yet boldly! This blog, Blog 4, is about launching. GET GOING Are you enslaved to security or comfort? Both will not get you charged up for the excitement of the New. Decide that you want to break out of BORING and start something "completely different" and EXCITING. Break out of a J.O.B. (just over broke) situation. Become Gainfully Unemployed. Yes, it might not work out right away. Continue to be intentional, be inspiring, be resolute and be agile. Be prepared to tweak your approach over time as you learn and find out what works. If you find that too intimidating or even worse, finding excuses for your procrastination, then get yourself a COACH or enroll in the T-SHIRT UNIVERSITY or speak to a good and honest friend who cares enough to help you become successful on the Internet ... or in your current situation. BUT DO SOMETHING WITH THAT DUCK OF YOURS, NOW THAT YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE OF THEM IN A ROW! Start again at Blog 1 until you're ready.
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